IFV Certified Trainer
Since 2015, the Dutch national Institute for Physical Safety (IFV) has been focusing on the quality chain of firefighting education. For this reason, the institute started auditing and certifying suppliers of firefighting education to a Dutch Quality Framework. The goal of the certification is to improve and secure the quality of firefighting education throughout the country.
H2K received their IFV-issued certificate on the 17th of December, 2018.
ISO 9001
Quality and craftsmanship are of the utmost importance for H2K. When offering firefighting courses and trainings, we always strive for the best quality and seek out the best fitting solution for our client. Because this is our way of work, H2K had been awarded with an ISO 9001 certificate since January 2017.
JOIFF is an international branch organisation from the oil and gas industry. The Joint Oil & Industry Fire Forum (JOIFF) strives for the enhancement of knowledge and skill of emergency response teams within the (petro) chemical industry. The organisation was founded on the need for a regular exchange of knowledge about fire safety within the industry.
Nowadays, JOIFF is a leading brand within the branch for years. Though their emphasis still lies on sharing knowledge surrounding fire prevention, protection, and preparation to possible risks, the organisation is also involved in trainings.
JOIFF Training was developed to prove that expert emergency response teams are capable of competently reacting to incidents that occur. The goal is to provide all team members with the proper training for them to be able to safely and efficiently perform their tasks. JOIFF develops training courses and programs in collaboration with their members to reach this goal. Moreover, the organisation supervises trainings that are conducted under the banner of a JOIFF accreditation.
In May of 2016, H2K was appointed by JOIFF as Accredited Training Provider.
VCA, a Dutch (sub)contractor framework, is intended for companies that perform high-risk tasks, or work in a high-risk environment. Because H2K mostly provides trainings on site at Seveso-companies, the safety of instructors and personnel is of great importance. H2K takes into account the safety of all work activities, which is why the organisation is VCA**-accredited.
H2K has been accredited by the Dutch Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (Dutch: NIBHV) for providing the course and training program First Responder for the Emergency Service (FiRe BNO in Dutch). H2K can consult companies on developing such a custom incident response organisation and can provide the entire course and training program if desired.