H2K organizes a 5-day JOIFF accredited Advanced Industrial Firefighting-training
The Advanced Industrial Firefighting training will take place from August 25th to 29th, 2025 at the Spinel Training Centre in Dordrecht, The Netherlands. This fire training centre in the vicinity of Rotterdam, offers a wide variety of training objects and all common industrial incident scenarios can be trained under realistic conditions.
The training Advanced Industrial Firefighting is accredited by the not-for-profit JOIFF organisation.
The program has been designed for those who have to deal with or have responsibility for emergency response in industrial settings and organisations, such as refineries, chemical plants, pharmaceuts, agrochemicals, food industries, etc.
The 5-day course is a blend of theory, workshops, demonstrations and practical firefighting (ratio theory-practice is 40/60). The program focuses on the basic principles of emergency response in industrial incidents, and to provide a vision on different approaches. H2K instructors will provide the training course.
The training program addresses the following topics:
- Basic principles on industrial firefighting and industrial emergency response
- Problems concerning chemical and petrochemical terminals and hydrocarbon products
- A vision on emergency response and priority setting during incidents
- Credible scenarios and the different response strategies
- Fixed firefighting systems: available systems, limitations and their effective uses
- Extinguishing agents and their limitations
- Cooperation with municipal fire brigades
- New developments and insights on foam systems, firefighting foams and polar solvents
- Actual lessons learned and common dilemmas in incident response
- Practical demos and workshops of firefighting tactics and techniques
- Practical training (hose handling, use of foam/water monitors, cooling, heat flux, etc.)
- Foam workshop: Use of F3 (fluorine free) foam on a variety of hydrocarbons
- Effective use of F3 (fluorine free) foam in a high-risk environment
The Advanced Industrial Firefighting-training is a 5-day event commencing Monday 8:00 (CET).
On Friday the program ends at 15:30.
The cost of the Advanced Industrial Firefighting-training is € 3.890,00 per person.
These costs do not include VAT, travel and accommodation. All refreshments and lunches at the school are included, also bunker gear and PPE will be provided. Registration for this course is possible on the website of H2K until June 25th (www.h2k.nl). Participation can be cancelled free of charge, 15 days before the training starts. Afterwards, all costs will be charged.
Should you require more information regarding transport to Dordrecht, hotel accommodations, the training location or program, please contact H2K.
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